Weekends - Asking about what people did?
People often like to ask each other how they spent their holidays or weekend. There are a number of ways to both ask and answer questions about it.
Weekends Audio Jukebox
How was...?
How was your weekend?
It was lovely. How was yours? (great)
It was terrible. (really bad)
It was nice. (fine)
A bit boring. (not very interesting)Link words: then / after that
- We had a drink. Then we went to the cinema.
- OR We had a drink, and then we went to the cinema.
- I went shopping. After that I met my sister.
- OR I went shopping, and after that, I met my sister.
Anyway, so anyway
In spoken English, you use anyway or so anyway when you want to begin the next part of the story, or go back to then main story.
- Janet didn’t know about it. So anyway, we got in the helicopter, and…
- We drank the champagne. Anyway, we landed and…
Realize, remember, find out
The past perfect is often used after the verbs realize, remember and find out.
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