English Idioms A - Z - Idiomatic Expressions
The Cambridge dictionary defines an idiom as a group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word understood on its own: For example
To "have bitten off more than you can chew" is an idiom that means you have tried to do something which is too difficult for you.We have offered you a list of commonly used idioms from A to Z.
Idioms O- Idiomatic expressions beginning with O
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- Odd
odd jobs
various small, practical tasks, repairs, etc. in the home, often done for other people
I’ve got some odd jobs to do around the house; the bedroom door needs to be painted and the wall light fixed.
the odd man/one out
a person or thing that is different from others or does not fit easily into a group or set
That’s the problem with 13 people in a group. If you need to work in pairs, there’s always an odd one out.
- Odds
against all (the) odds
in spite of great difficulties or problems; although it seemed impossible
Against all the odds this little-known man succeeded in becoming a President.
odds and ends (informal)
small items that are not valuable or are not part of a larger set
She’s got all kinds of interesting odds and ends on her desk.
- Old
(as) old as the hills
very old, ancient
That joke is as old as the hills!
an old bag (disapproving, offensive)
an annoying and unpleasant woman
Some old bag came in here complaining that we’d charged her too much.
- Once
once in a blue moon (informal)
very rarely
Sue’s daughter only visits her once in a blue moon.
- One-off
a one-off (BrE)
a thing that is made or that happens only once and not regularly
This plate is a one-off produced by a famous designer in 1900.
(informal, humorous) a person who is quite unlike other people
There’ll never be another Marilyn Monroe. She was a one-off.
- Open
an open secret
a fact that is supposed to be a secret but that everyone knows
It’s an open secret that they’re getting married.
- Opposites
opposites attract
used to say that people who are very different are often attracted to each other
“Aren’t you surprised that John and Kelly are together?” “A little. But they say opposites attract, don’t they?”
get your own back (on smb) (informal)
do smth to smb in return for harm they have done to you; get revenge
I got my own back by writing a very rude article about him in the newspaper.
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